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D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
If your slash command accepts options like user, channel, or role you can get their value, as specified by the user in the command, from parameters. Though parameter gives you only the snowflake id of the passed value.
If you need object of that snowflake, you can get that from the resolved set using its snowflake id.
Below is an example showing how to get a member, passed in command options, using resolved set.
#include <dpp/dpp.h> int main() { dpp::cluster bot("token"); bot.on_log(dpp::utility::cout_logger()); /* The event is fired when someone issues your commands */ bot.on_slashcommand([&bot](const dpp::slashcommand_t& event) { /* Check which command they ran */ if (event.command.get_command_name() == "addrole") { /* Fetch a parameter value from the command options */ dpp::snowflake user_id = std::get<dpp::snowflake>(event.get_parameter("user")); dpp::snowflake role_id = std::get<dpp::snowflake>(event.get_parameter("role")); /* Get member object from resolved list */ dpp::guild_member resolved_member = event.command.get_resolved_member(user_id); resolved_member.add_role(role_id); bot.guild_edit_member(resolved_member); event.reply("Added role"); } }); /* Attach on_ready event */ bot.on_ready([&bot](const dpp::ready_t& event) { if (dpp::run_once<struct register_bot_commands>()) { dpp::slashcommand add_role("addrole", "Give user a role", bot.me.id); /* Add user and role type command options to the slash command */ add_role.add_option(dpp::command_option(dpp::co_user, "user", "User to give role to", true)); add_role.add_option(dpp::command_option(dpp::co_role, "role", "Role to give", true)); bot.global_command_create(add_role); } }); /* Start bot */ bot.start(dpp::st_wait); return 0; }