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D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
If you've been in a server and used a bot or even seen a message from a bot, you might have seen a special message type, often sent by these bots. These are called embeds! In this section, we will show how to create an embed and reply to a user, using our newly created embed!
#include <dpp/dpp.h> int main() { /* Setup the bot */ dpp::cluster bot("token", dpp::i_default_intents | dpp::i_message_content); /* The event is fired when someone issues your commands */ bot.on_slashcommand([&bot](const dpp::slashcommand_t& event) { /* Check which command they ran */ if (event.command.get_command_name() == "embed") { /* Create an embed */ dpp::embed embed = dpp::embed() .set_color(dpp::colors::sti_blue) .set_title("Some name") .set_url("https://dpp.dev/") .set_author("Some name", "https://dpp.dev/", "https://dpp.dev/DPP-Logo.png") .set_description("Some description here") .set_thumbnail("https://dpp.dev/DPP-Logo.png") .add_field( "Regular field title", "Some value here" ) .add_field( "Inline field title", "Some value here", true ) .add_field( "Inline field title", "Some value here", true ) .set_image("https://dpp.dev/DPP-Logo.png") .set_footer( dpp::embed_footer() .set_text("Some footer text here") .set_icon("https://dpp.dev/DPP-Logo.png") ) .set_timestamp(time(0)); /* Create a message with the content as our new embed. */ dpp::message msg(event.command.channel_id, embed); /* Reply to the user with the message, containing our embed. */ event.reply(msg); } }); bot.on_ready([&bot](const dpp::ready_t& event) { if (dpp::run_once<struct register_bot_commands>()) { /* Create and register a command when the bot is ready */ bot.global_command_create(dpp::slashcommand("embed", "Send a test embed!", bot.me.id)); } }); bot.start(dpp::st_wait); return 0; }
The code will send the following message.